Heritage Action statement on highway bailout, Export-Import Bank

Press Releases · Jul 14, 2015

Washington - Today, the House will vote on a 140-day, $8 billion bailout of the federal Highway Trust Fund (H.R. 3038). According to reports, the bill is an attempt to preempt the Senate, which will try to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank as part of a longer-term highway bill. Heritage Action released the following statement from communications director Dan Holler:

"Heritage Action is opposed to this $8 billion bailout. That said, the bill appears to be a play call made by opponents of the Export-Import Bank, including Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Chairman Paul Ryan and Chairman Jeb Hensarling, to ensure the Senate does not jam the House. It is incumbent upon them - and anybody who opposes Washington's corrupt practice of favoritism - to ensure Ex-Im remains dead."