Heritage Action Statement on Georgia House Passage of SB 140

Press Releases · Mar 21, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, including thousands of Georgians, released the following statement from Janae Stracke, Vice President of Field Operations, following the House passage of SB 140.

“Children suffering with gender confusion and dysphoria deserve compassionate care, not experimental surgeries and drugs that will lead children down a heartbreaking path of long-term physical and psychological harm. While Heritage Action appreciates the steps taken to strengthen SB 140, we look forward to working with the Georgia General Assembly to go further in the future to protect minors suffering from gender confusion. Toward this end, we thank the House and Senate for the effort to amend this legislation to avoid shutting the door to recourse for children suffering from the irreversible effects of medical experimentation. We will continue our work alongside grassroots Georgians to fight to protect children from dangerous cross-sex hormones and experimental surgeries."