Heritage Action Responds to Supreme Court's Misguided Decision

Press Releases · Jun 27, 2012

In response to the Supreme Court's decision to essentially uphold Obamacare, Heritage Action for America released the following statement from CEO Michael A. Needham:

America's system of checks and balances ensures the Supreme Court's misguided decision will not be the final word on President Obama's government takeover of the healthcare system. Although the Court failed to provide a much-needed check on federal power, we have every bit of confidence the American people and their elected representatives will.
Indeed, since the debate began in August 2009, Americans have vocally opposed President Obama's approach to health care, which remains unaffordable and irresponsible. As such, Congress must repeal the law in its entirety.

Join with Heritage Action as we put the pressure on lawmakers to repeal Obamacare. Join the fight for a better tomorrow.


Heritage: Obamacare's Failings Go Well Beyond the Individual Mandate and Medicaid
Heritage: Why Congress Should Not Preserve Flawed Obamacare Policies
Heritage: Saving the American Dream: A Blueprint for Putting Patients First