Heritage Action Responds to President Biden Ending Campaign

Press Releases · Jul 29, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a grassroots organization with more than two million conservative activists nationwide, released the following statements in response to President Joe Biden's decision to end his campaign and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris.

Heritage Action President Dr. Kevin Roberts:

“This is a historic moment. We find ourselves at a troubling juncture in our nation's history, where our commander-in-chief is unable to fulfill the essential responsibilities of his office. No incumbent president has dropped out of the presidential race since Lyndon Johnson in 1968.

"If President Biden is incapable of running a presidential race, how can he lead our nation for another six months? Should America suffer yet another national security crisis, who will be running the country? In the interest of national security and the safety of our citizens, President Biden must immediately resign.

"Unfortunately, Americans have little reason to expect a different outcome from his replacement. The underlying issue of Biden’s presidency is not his failing health — it’s his failed policies. At every turn, he has undermined American borders, American jobs, and American families. Whether Kamala Harris steps in or the left-wing machine installs another figurehead, the outcome will be the same: failure.

"The American people deserve better than palace coups, incompetent leaders, and disastrous policies. Thankfully, the American people have an opportunity very soon to reject the failure of this administration and return to prosperity. The future for our nation is bright."

Heritage Action Executive Vice President Ryan Walker:

“In a very rare move for President Biden, today he made the right choice by coming clean with the American people and admitting he is not fit to hold office. With Joe Biden’s endorsement, the self-described defenders of democracy will now try to install Kamala Harris at the top of Democrats’ ticket—without a single voter casting a ballot to put her there.

“Democrats have lied for years while letting an incompetent president run our country into the ground. The chief offender in that cover up has been Kamala Harris, now the Democrats’ radically-progressive presumptive nominee for president, who let in more than 10 million illegal aliens after Joe Biden put her in charge of border security.

“Regardless of the name change, voters face the same choice at the ballot box: The continuation of Biden's failed, far-Left policies—or a safer, more prosperous, more secure America with a conservative president.”