Heritage Action Responds to Poverty and Opportunity Task Force

Press Releases · Jun 6, 2016

Washington -- Today, the House Republican's Poverty, Opportunity and Upward Mobility task force released its policy recommendations. Last December, Speaker Paul D. Ryan promised to "show what we would do, what our ideal policy would be." Heritage Action released the following statement from Chief Executive Officer Michael A. Needham:

"The task force report underscores several important points, most notably that the current welfare system undermines the two foundational pillars of self-sufficiency and human flourishing: steady work and a strong family. One promising piece of the agenda is the commitment to encouraging work, which can only be accomplished by instituting and enforcing strong work requirements on all of our welfare programs.
"As Republicans work to transform the outline into legislative text, they must avoid falling into the trap of tweaking failed policies and accepting the skyrocketing costs of the current welfare system. Instead, they must focus on real reforms, such as the policies proposed by Congressman Jim Jordan and Senator Mike Lee in their Welfare Reform and Upward Mobility Act. Heritage Action looks forward to working with House Republicans to advance an agenda that provides Opportunity for All and Favoritism to None."