Heritage Action: Republicans Must Unite Against ‘Worst Case’ Funding Scenario

Press Releases · Sep 25, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a grassroots organization with two million conservative activists nationwide, released the following statement expressing disappointment in the passage of a three-month continuing resolution (CR) that would extend funding to December 20th and set the stage for an omnibus funding bill before the holidays.

Executive Vice President Ryan Walker urged conservative lawmakers to unite to avoid a holiday omnibus, saying:

“Once again, Americans have been let down by Congress’s inability to pass fiscally responsible spending bills through regular order, and have instead passed a short-term CR. This spending bill now sets up the 'worst case funding scenario' that–without strong opposition in December–will inevitably lead to another expensive omnibus and stick taxpayers with bad policies and more debt.

“An omnibus will add billions to the already-bloated budget, drop measures that actually reduce spending, and ensure the Left’s agenda is prioritized over the will of the American people. The December 20th deadline is perfectly timed to give lame-duck members an excuse to secure their pet projects in an outrageous spending bill and skirt their responsibilities to voters.

“Heritage Action will not support a lame-duck omnibus that could handcuff conservatives’ policy priorities. Republicans must avoid playing into Democrats’ hands and hold the line to pass another CR into 2025. We are encouraged to see Speaker Johnson verbally commit to that this week and will hold members accountable to that promise.”

Budget analysts at The Heritage Foundation estimate a CR through March 2025 would save taxpayers $60 billion compared to an omnibus passed prior to the end of the year. An FY25 omnibus before a new administration would likely result in spending of at least $1.66 trillion, plus $54 billion in “emergency” funding. Another CR in December would result in $1.59 trillion, prorated (FY24 spending level), saving taxpayers money.