Heritage Action President Responds to Passage of Short-term Continuing Resolution

Press Releases · Nov 14, 2023

WASHINGTON— Dr. Kevin Roberts, president of The Heritage Foundation and Heritage Action, released a statement Tuesday responding to the House’s passage of a short-term, two-step continuing resolution:

“House conservatives must stick to their commitments on government spending. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand: No more continuing resolutions at the bloated fiscal year 2023 spending level. This continuing resolution has bought two months of time in which Republicans must, at long last, get their act together and pass 12 conservative appropriations bills. No more continuing resolutions, no more omnibus bills, no more minibuses. Period. The American people are tired of being asked for an extension on a long-overdue assignment.

“Aggressive negotiations must take place to cement conservative policy priorities in future legislation. That means real border security measures—and refusing to tie the border crisis to the increasingly controversial Ukraine funding. It means declaring war on woke ideology and the weaponization of bureaucracies. And finally addressing the economic pain that Americans are feeling.

“Americans continue to struggle with inflation caused by Biden’s unhinged spending spree, and the House must use its leverage to ensure major fiscal reform is the cornerstone of the spending fight to come early next year. As interest payments near a trillion dollars a year, larger than the defense budget, the nation is running out of time to walk back from the brink.

“The American people have been incredibly clear: They want the government focused on its intended purpose, an end to the use of federal agencies to target political opponents, and an end to the spending that has directly led to high mortgage, credit, and interest rates. Congress has a chance to get a real win for the American people in January.”