Heritage Action: N.C. Lawmakers Should Override Gov. Cooper’s ‘Shameful’ Veto of Bill to Protect Americans

Press Releases · Sep 20, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million activists nationwide, including thousands of North Carolinians, applauds the North Carolina General Assembly for passing HB 10, legislation that strengthens immigration enforcement in the state and expands school choice, and condemns Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto of the legislation.

Former Kansas Assistant Secretary of State and Heritage Action Director of State Advocacy Catherine Gunsalus released the following statement praising HB 10 and encouraging lawmakers to override Gov. Cooper’s veto:

“It’s shameful that Gov. Cooper would veto legislation requiring basic enforcement of immigration law because he doesn’t want to give families school choice. While Kamala Harris and Roy Cooper bow to the open border activists in their party and ignore the dangerous crisis their policies have created, the North Carolina General Assembly took action to prioritize families and keep the people of their state safe.

“Working with federal law enforcement to detain and deport criminals should not be controversial in North Carolina or any state. Lawmakers should again stand up for public safety and the rule of law by overriding Gov. Cooper’s veto. Other states should follow suit and take action to protect Americans from the physical and economic damage of unchecked illegal immigration.”

Due to the Biden-Harris administration’s radical open-border policies and the current border crisis, states across the country are bearing the consequences of illegal immigration like never before. Obstructed cooperation with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), supported by Gov. Cooper, has resulted in preventable harm to Americans.

In a notable report, experts at The Heritage Foundation analyzed multiple case studies illustrating preventable crimes and systemic failures that allowed criminal aliens to remain in the United States. Millions of illegal aliens and otherwise inadmissible migrants have been allowed to enter and remain in the country since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office. Among them are violent criminals, terrorists, drug smugglers, and human traffickers.