Heritage Action: Louisiana’s ESA Expansion is a Win for All Students

Press Releases · May 30, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million activists nationwide, including thousands of Louisianans, released the following statement from Director of State Advocacy Catherine Gunsalus commending the Louisiana Legislature’s passage of SB 313, legislation that grants universal access to education savings accounts (ESAs):

“Every parent knows that no two children are the same, so they should not have to be subjected to a one-size-fits-all education system that leaves many students behind. By passing SB 313 and expanding access to ESAs, the Louisiana Legislature voted to give all students and parents the freedom to find the best possible education.

“Heritage Action applauds Louisiana lawmakers for empowering families and we look forward to Gov. Landry signing this bill. Our grassroots network will use the momentum from Louisiana to continue to promote universal education freedom nationwide.”

ESAs empower parents to use their child’s portion of state education spending to meet the child’s unique learning needs by choosing a new school, purchasing textbooks or other learning materials, hiring personal tutors, and more.

Louisiana joins a wave of states across the country that have taken steps to expand education freedom for Americans. Prior to the State Legislature’s passage of SB 313, the Heritage Foundation ranked Louisiana 18th out of 51 in its Education Freedom Report Card.