Heritage Action Lauds Missouri’s Commitment to Free and Fair Elections

Press Releases · May 17, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million activists nationwide, including thousands of Missourians, lauds the Missouri General Assembly’s passage of SJR 78, a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of ranked-choice voting (RCV) in most elections and ensuring only United States citizens are able to vote in the Show-Me State. Voters in Missouri will now decide via ballot measure if the election rules are enshrined in the state constitution.

Former Kansas Assistant Secretary of State and Heritage Action Director of State Advocacy Catherine Gunsalus released the following statement today praising Missouri lawmakers for their commitment to election integrity:

“Banning noncitizen and ranked-choice voting ensures all Missourians have a strong and secure voice at the ballot box. RCV is a gimmick that dilutes the power of each vote—and the right to participate in our elections is a sacred privilege that should be reserved only for American citizens.

“While the Left works to implement RCV and non-citizen voting across the country, Heritage Action applauds Missouri for taking a strong step toward fighting back and passing SJR 78. We look forward to this legislation appearing on the ballot and encourage Missourians to enshrine these commonsense policies in their Constitution later this year.”

The Missouri General Assembly’s passage of SJR 78 builds on nationwide grassroots momentum to combat the Left’s attempts to subvert the electoral power of the American people. By proactively banning RCV and noncitizen voting, Missouri is one of more than a dozen states working on legislation this year to secure elections by making it easier to vote and harder to cheat.

Missouri currently ranks 6th out of 51 on The Heritage Foundation’s Election Integrity Scorecard.