Heritage Action Grassroots Activists Defeat EAGLE Act

Press Releases · Dec 15, 2022

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson following the defeat of the EAGLE Act.

“Today, thanks to the hard work of conservative grassroots activists and their representatives in Congress, the EAGLE Act was indefinitely pulled from the House calendar. This legislation would have increased chain migration, threatened American job opportunities, and given the CCP a free pass to continue their espionage and intellectual property theft in the United States. By defeating this legislation, grassroots Americans have once again proven their strength and influence in Washington.

This is an important victory, but the fight is not over. The next Congress has an opportunity to make headway on a lot of the issues that matter to the American people by implementing effective border security measures, holding China accountable, protecting American jobs, and empowering American families. Heritage Action looks forward to working alongside the grassroots community and conservatives in Congress to advance these goals in a new era of conservative leadership.”