Heritage Action Doubles Down on Digital and Grassroots Campaign Ahead of House Reconciliation Vote

Press Releases · Aug 9, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today, Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson doubling down on the organization’s digital and grassroots campaign and calling out U.S. Representatives Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), Jared Golden (D-Maine), Tom Malinowski (D-N.J.), and Mikie Sherrill (D-N.J.) ahead of the U.S. House’s expected vote on the so-called Inflation Reduction Act.

Representatives Cuellar, Golden, Malinowski, and Sherrill have failed their constituents by supporting legislation that has created the economic crisis families and businesses now struggle with across the country. Now, instead of shrinking spending or controlling the national debt, they are supporting legislation that will worsen inflation, hike taxes, and cripple American energy to fund the Left’s radical Green New Deal.

Not only will this legislation increase taxes for nearly every income category, but it will also build an IRS army that will be larger than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Control combined. It will also punish manufacturers and businesses through a 15% corporate book income tax. Despite Biden’s campaign promises, the legislation will also hike taxes for Americans in nearly every income category. This includes taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes below $75,000, who will see their taxes raised by an estimated $136 billion. Make no mistake – these policies are designed to target middle- and working-class American families and businesses.

Texans, Mainers, New Jerseyans, and Americans all across the country deserve better from Washington. Heritage Action is committed to helping grassroots activists and constituents hold their elected leaders accountable through our expansive digital and grassroots campaign. Our leaders in Congress must do their parts to promote fiscal responsibility and stand up for the interests of the American people or face the consequences in November.


  • Biden’s inflation crisis has had a massive impact on Representatives Cuellar, Golden, Malinowski, and Sherrill’s districts. According to a study conducted by United States Congress Joint Economic Committee Republicans, average monthly household inflation costs have increased 14.9% in Texas since January 2021. In this same time frame, household inflation costs have also increased 11.1% in Maine and 11.4% in New Jersey. This does not take into account the rising energy costs that will slam each of these states as winter approaches.

  • Heritage Action recently launched a six-figure digital and grassroots campaign targeting Democrats in both chambers of Congress ahead of votes on the reconciliation package. The campaign includes digital advertisements on social media and other platforms, and grassroots outreach through text messages, emails, and phone calls.

  • By adding $80 billion to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), this legislation would help hire 87,000 new agents to staff over 1 million audits and 800,000 new tax liens. Half of these new audits would primarily target middle-class Americans.

  • This package proposes spending $64 billion to extend “enhanced” Obamacare subsidies to primarily benefit the wealthy and Democrats’ reelection prospects.

  • Among the worst proposals in the package is a scheme that will allow the government to set Medicare drug prices. The result will be a drastic reduction in innovation in the pharmaceutical industry and less access to lifesaving medications for the American people.

  • The Heritage Foundation: Manchin-Schumer Taxes Would Hit Both Rich and Poor Americans

  • Heritage Action key voted against the package in the Senate.