Heritage Action: Conservative House Must Immediately Consider Essential Border Security Measures

Press Releases · Feb 7, 2023

WASHINGTON – Today, Heritage Action joined a coalition of border security and immigration groups and leaders in calling on the new majority in the House to immediately consider a robust border security package to end the Biden border crisis. This letter marks the third such effort by the Border Security Coalition.

Heritage Action Executive Director Jessica Anderson released the following statement:

“With a new majority in the House, conservatives have a responsibility to uphold their promises to secure the border and reverse the damage that Biden’s open-border policies have done to our sovereignty, security, and well-being. The Border Security Coalition agrees that this includes the immediate consideration of measures to create an authority to expel illegal aliens across the border, substantially reform the asylum system, reimplement effective policies, and impeach Secretary Mayorkas. Above all else, conservatives must categorically reject any proposals or compromises that result in amnesty.

President Biden, Secretary Mayorkas, and top Democrats in Congress have all denied that the southern border is open, yet their self-inflicted border crisis has affected every single state and Congressional District in the country. Since President Biden has taken office, more than 4 million illegal migrants have crossed the southern border, including dozens of individuals on the known terrorist watchlist. 800,000 crossers and illegal migrants have been released into the country without a court date. Drug cartels have trafficked lethal amounts of fentanyl into the hands of young American children.

The stakes are too high for any further delay. The American people sent conservatives to Congress with the expectation that new leadership will tackle this crisis. The time to act is now.”