Heritage Action Congratulates Russ Vought

Press Releases · Apr 6, 2017

Washington—Today, President Trump announced he intends to nominate former Heritage Action Vice President Russ Vought to be Deputy Director of the Office of the Management and Budget. Before coming to Heritage Action, Vought spent 12 years on Capitol Hill, in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. He also served as Policy Director for the House Republican Conference, chaired by then-Representative Mike Pence. Heritage Action released the following statement from Chief Executive Officer Michael A. Needham:

"President Trump made an excellent decision in nominating Russ Vought, one of the most talented conservatives in Washington, D.C. to be Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget. Budgets are expressions of priorities, and the American people should know that a principled, courageous leader will be heavily involved in translating the administration's priorities into conservative budgets. We are grateful for Russ's willingness to return to public service and are confident America will be a better nation as a result. "