Heritage Action, Club for Growth statement on Export-Import Bank

Press Releases · May 22, 2015

Washington - Following Senate passage of the Trade Act of 2015 (H.R. 1314), Heritage Action CEO Michael A. Needham and Club for Growth President David McIntosh issued a joint statement:

"Yesterday, Senator Maria Cantwell leveraged her vote on Trade Promotion Authority to open up Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's playbook on the Export-Import Bank. It is incumbent upon House conservatives to use their leverage on TPA to extract ironclad public commitments from both McConnell and Speaker John Boehner. Leader McConnell should make clear he will not allow the Democrat minority to usurp the Republican majority's procedural prerogative. At the same time, Speaker Boehner must make clear he will not jam conservatives on Ex-Im. House conservatives should use every tool at their disposal to stop the advance of TPA until Republican leaders issue those ironclad public commitments."