Heritage Action Announces Presidential Platform Review

Press Releases · Apr 14, 2015

Washington -- Today, Heritage Action for America announced its first ever Presidential Platform Review (PPR). The effort will carefully evaluate presidential candidates on their past actions and current platforms in six critical areas: opportunity, growth, civil society, limited government, national security, and of course, favoritism. Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer Michael A. Needham:

"Americans are looking for a president who can speak to the real anxieties they're facing. Candidates must move beyond partisan talking points and the failed status quo of secretive transactional politics and put forward a bold comprehensive conservative agenda. How will these candidates fare in an Opportunity for All, Favoritism to None primary? That is a question we are going to answer over the course of the next five months."

The results of the evaluation will be released in September. To learn more about the criteria Heritage Action will use visit PresidentialPlatformReview.com