Heritage Action Trains California Parents How to Fight for Their Children and Rights

Press Releases · Jun 22, 2022

WASHINGTON — Today, Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson following Heritage Action’s first Parental Rights Symposium, with over 100 parents attending the event in Dana Point, California to provide activists with hands-on training and community building to take back our schools, curriculum, and rights.

The education system has become a tool for the far Left to indoctrinate children with their radical political agenda. Now, as too many school boards, teachers unions, and elected officials try to take parents out of their children’s education and force woke curriculum on our children, parents need to know how to most effectively fight for their rights.

These Parental Rights Symposiums are just one part of Heritage Action’s efforts to restore parents’ rights and save our schools. Through training parents on how to run for school board, speak up at local meetings, advocate for school choice policy, and stay involved with their children’s curriculum, our grassroots activists will have the tools necessary to advance much needed education reforms.

Over 100 participants attended the event in Dana Point, California, where parents, grandparents, and community activists received hands-on training on how to actively engage in their children’s education. The training included programming on how to advocate for your children’s best interests, how to run for your local school board, and how to hold school systems accountable. Speakers included professional basketball player Jonathan Isaac, Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares, the Heritage Foundation's Jonathan Butcher, President of Parents Defending Education Nicole Neily, and Heritage Action Director of Grassroots Janae Stracke.


  • In August, Heritage Action will hold a second Parental Rights Symposium in Virginia Beach.

  • In addition to these symposiums and lobbying efforts for several education bills in states across the country, Heritage Action also launched SaveOurSchools.com, a one-stop shop for resources for parents interested in engaging with their children’s education system.

  • The California Parental Rights Symposium comes on the 50th anniversary of Title IX, which includes critical protections for women’s and girls’ sports at all age levels.