HB 4616 and HB 4617 Will Harm Michigan Children

Press Releases · Jul 26, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, including thousands of Michiganders, released the following statement from Acting Executive Director Ryan Walker condemning Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s signature of HB 4616 and HB 4617 into law.

“Instead of providing compassionate care to children struggling with gender dysphoria, Governor Gretchen Whitmer would rather prioritize a radical political agenda that pushes harmful gender ideology. HB 4616 and HB 4617 eliminate the option for watchful waiting for children suffering from gender confusion and instead require counselors to encourage children to present as the opposite sex. There is strong evidence for the effectiveness of a watchful waiting approach to treating gender dysphoria in minors. In fact, 98 percent of children who struggle with their bodies during puberty grow to accept their biological sex by adulthood.

The long-term effects of administering dangerous cross-sex hormones and performing experimental surgeries that remove healthy body parts have not been studied, but it’s clear they lead to irreparable physical and psychological harm. Heritage Action condemns passage and Governor Whitmer’s signing of HB 4616 and HB 4617 - legislation that harms Michigan children. We look forward to working alongside grassroots Michiganders to fight for children’s safety in the Great Lakes State.”