Governor Sanders Signs Monumental Education Reform and School Choice Law

Press Releases · Mar 8, 2023

WASHINGTON — Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, including thousands of Arkansans, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson applauding Governor Sanders for signing SB 294, legislation which significantly expands school choice in Arkansas.

“The LEARNS Act is a monumental achievement for Arkansas and a testament to the leadership of Governor Sanders. The new Arkansas Children’s Educational Freedom Account Program makes Arkansas the 11th state in the union to adopt a form of educational savings accounts. This initiative will ultimately allow every family in the state to qualify and ensure each of their children can attend the education institution of their choice.

American children deserve better than the one-size-fits-all education system they have had forced onto them for so long. Today, Arkansas returns power to parents to make the educational choices they know are right for their kids. Parents across the Natural State are grateful to Senator Breanne Davis, Representative Keith Brooks and the entire General Assembly for working together to pass this historic legislation. Grassroots Arkansans applaud their efforts and thank Governor Sanders for strengthening parental rights and prioritizing student success.”