Governor DeSantis Signs SB 300, Protects Life from Heartbeat in the Sunshine State

Press Releases · Apr 13, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, including thousands of Floridians, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson commending Governor DeSantis for signing SB 300 into law and protecting life from heartbeat in Florida.

“Today marks a historic victory in the fight to protect life. By signing SB 300 into law, Governor DeSantis has ensured unborn babies with beating hearts will be protected from the Left’s extreme abortion-for-all agenda that promotes abortion up to the moment of birth and infanticide even after a baby survives a botched abortion. Floridians are grateful to the Florida Legislature and Governor DeSantis for upholding their values and implementing common-sense policies to defend the unborn.

Florida’s work is an example of how protecting life can be a winning issue for conservatives across the country. The American people do not support the Left’s radical approach to abortion and want to see more states and lawmakers take similar action and clearly articulate their position on life. Heritage Action commends Governor DeSantis and the Florida Legislature for leading the charge on protecting life, and we look forward to more states across the country doing their part to counter the Left’s pro-abortion agenda.”