Governor DeSantis and Legislature Further Secure FL Elections, SB 524 Becomes Law

Press Releases · Apr 25, 2022

WASHINGTON — Today, Heritage Action, a conservative organization with two million grassroots activists nationwide, including thousands of Floridians, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson applauding the Florida Legislature on the passage of SB 524 and thanking Governor DeSantis for signing the bill into law just moments ago.

This legislation would create a state-wide Office of Election Crimes and Security to investigate election crimes and fraud, prohibit ranked-choice voting, improve voter roll maintenance, increase penalties for ballot harvesting and voter fraud, and prohibit the use of private funds to pay for the cost of litigation related to election administration.

“Heritage Action applauds Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Legislature on prioritizing election integrity this session and passing SB 524, legislation that ensures it is easy to vote and hard to cheat in the Sunshine State. With this bill and last session’s SB 90, Florida is a model for states that want to ensure free and fair elections for their citizens.

Thanks to the thousands of grassroots activists in Florida who engaged with their state legislators to further strengthen Florida’s election security, Florida is at the forefront of ensuring it is easy to vote and hard to cheat.”


Heritage Action is a national grassroots organization with two million conservative activists nationwide. Heritage Action advances the policies of our sister organization, The Heritage Foundation, and works to make them a reality.
