Delay Obama's Devastating Overtime Rule

Press Releases · Sep 26, 2016

Washington -- On Thursday, the House is likely to vote on the Regulatory Relief for Small Businesses, Schools, and Nonprofits Act (H.R. 6094). The bill, introduced by Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI), would delay the Obama administration's overtime rule for six months. The rule, slated to go into effect on December 1, 2016, would basically double the salary threshold -- from $23,600 to $47,476 annually -- at which workers are eligible for overtime, making it more difficult for hard-working Americans to climb the economic ladder as employers will be forced to covert over four million professional salaried employees into hourly workers to offset the regulatory cost. Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer Michael A. Needham:

"The Obama administration's new overtime rule will hurt more hardworking Americans than it would help. In typical fashion, unelected bureaucrats are attempting to micromanage the payroll of nearly every business in this country. Even House Democrats know the Obama administration's overtime rule is bad for small businesses, so there is no excuse for inaction and opposition to this commonsense delay."