D.C. Statehood: Another Shameless Power Grab

Press Releases · Apr 22, 2021

Washington — Heritage Action today released the following statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson responding to new efforts to grant statehood to Washington, D.C.

“Today, House Democrats took another step in their efforts to rig the rules and establish a permanent Left-wing majority by voting to grant statehood to the District of Columbia. D.C. statehood has been ruled unconstitutional by every Department of Justice prior to President Obama’s administration, and the Founders always intended the District of Columbia to be the independent seat of power for the federal government. The Constitution doesn’t have an expiration date — but the Left is willing to ignore that for the sake of a blatant power grab.

The push for D.C. statehood comes as the Left unifies around a clear platform: kill the filibuster, pack the courts, and take over elections. They know the American people will not stand for their radical agenda, so they are resorting to rigging the rules. The Senate must oppose this radical agenda to preserve the integrity of both the chamber and our entire political process. They should focus on the pressing issues of the day, like ensuring the country is able to recover from disastrous economic lockdowns. It is time to stop rigging the rules to ensure their own power and get to work.”