Conservatives Must Look to Protect Trump Administration Gains in Appropriations Process

Press Releases · Jul 29, 2021

WASHINGTON — Heritage Action, a leading conservative grassroots organization, released the following statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson concerning today’s minibus vote in the House.

Yet again, liberals in Congress have hijacked the appropriations process and rejected policies supported by the majority of Americans. With spiraling inflation and an out-of-control border crisis, this is not the time for the Left’s pet projects. Conservatives in Congress must prioritize the American people and reject this minibus, which is chock-full of poison pill policy riders aimed at appeasing the left wing of Nancy Pelosi’s party.

This minibus not only fails to include conservative policies, like banning federal funding of CRT, but Democrats in Congress have left out important and long-standing pro-life provisions like the Hyde Amendment and Mexico City policy. It also lacks any ounce of fiscal restraint, dramatically increasing non-defense agencies by more than 20% over current funding levels, allowing agencies to burn through taxpayer funds and pile on burdensome regulations and government mandates.

This minibus is nothing more than a progressive wishlist to win over their liberal base. Conservatives in Congress must vote no and should fight for a clean continuing resolution to protect Hyde.
