Charlie Dent is Shilling for Nancy Pelosi

Press Releases · Apr 5, 2016

Washington -- According to the Huffington Post, Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) is floating "a quirky congressional procedure" known as the King of the Hill, but in a twist, "if no budget secures a majority, then the current budget [ceiling] of $1.070 trillion would be automatically 'deemed.'" Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer Michael A. Needham:

"Representative Dent's plan is a gimmick and one that exposes him as a shill for Nancy Pelosi. This isn't surprising as last October he floated a 'bipartisan coalition to elect the next Speaker.' Instead of playing games, House Republicans should pass a budget at $1.040 trillion, the level established by the BCA in 2011.
"If the Republican-controlled House is going to default to any level, it should be the FY17 number established in the previously passed FY16 Republican budget. That number -- $1.013 trillion -- was supported last year by 226 House Republicans, including Dent. Deeming a spending number set by Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and a small minority of Republicans is unacceptable."