Biden’s “Zero Price Tag” Liberal Wishlist Adds $367 Billion to the National Debt

Press Releases · Nov 18, 2021

WASHINGTON — Today, Heritage Action released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson concerning this morning's House vote on the “Build Back Better Act.”

Inflation is skyrocketing and families are paying more for gas and groceries, but Congressional Democrats are pushing a liberal wishlist that will drive prices higher and help bankrupt the country. This bill pushes radical, out-of-touch policies like “tree equity,” a blue state bailout, massive IRS expansion, and taxpayer-funded abortions.

Further, the White House misled the American public when President Biden said his $1.75 trillion Build Back Broke Act would have a “zero price tag.” The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said this bill is not paid for and will add at least $367 billion to the national debt.

From cradle to grave, the Democrats’ Build Back Broke agenda will fundamentally remake America at the expense of the middle class. The members of Congress who voted for this multi-trillion dollar liberal wishlist will be held accountable by their constituents.”

Heritage Action is a national grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists nationwide. Heritage Action advances the policies of our partner organization, The Heritage Foundation, and works to make them a reality.
