Biden’s Price Hike for Families

Press Releases · Apr 12, 2022

WASHINGTON — Today, Heritage Action, a conservative organization with two million grassroots activists nationwide, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson responding to this morning’s latest inflation figure of 8.5%, a .6 percentage point increase from February's figure:

Americans don’t need today’s report to know that inflation just hit another all-time high as a direct result of President Biden’s America-Last policies. Every increase in inflation means more moms struggling to feed their children, more young families priced out of buying their first homes, and more retirees on fixed income who can’t afford to turn on the A/C this summer. This year, families will have to pay $5,200 extra just to keep up with inflation. This can’t continue.

Instead of addressing the issue and reversing his disastrous policies, Biden is blaming Russia’s war on Ukraine for his problems. That’s simply false. Inflation was already at 7.5% even before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and showed no sign of slowing. Families were already paying 24% more in energy prices in February after just 13 months of Biden’s big government spending spree and anti-energy policies. Wage gains in 2021 failed to keep up with inflation for the first time in years, meaning Americans got a pay cut. Stagflation is on the horizon, and Biden is rushing Americans into it.