Biden Executive Order Threatens the Physical and Mental Health of Children

Press Releases · Jun 15, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today, Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson following the Biden administration’s announcement of an Executive Order expanding access to dangerous cross-sex hormone treatments for minors and targeting the governors who have enacted measures to protect children.

The Biden Administration should be ashamed of itself. By pushing to expand access to dangerous cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers for minors without parental consent, Biden’s Executive Order threatens the physical and mental health – and futures – of our nation’s children. It’s also an unprecedented power grab, using the stroke of a pen to bully governors and parents who are simply trying to protect kids in their state.

Just as we saw with COVID lockdowns and mandates, the Left is again using dangerously misleading or deeply flawed science to justify their political agenda. Routinely, the victims of their policies are our nation’s children. As this week’s Heritage Foundation study explains, these drugs have only been widely available for transgenderism for less than a decade, and have not been proven to improve health or reduce suicide risk. To call the drugs ‘life-saving health care’ is a lie, and to try to cut parents out of lifelong medical decisions for their children is completely reckless. In fact, as the Heritage study found, expanding access to ‘gender-affirming’ hormones can potentially put our nation’s youth at risk for severe mental health problems and suicide.

The Biden Administration needs to wake up and learn that it is not acceptable to use children for an experimental woke agenda.
