As Obamacare Nears, Need to Defund Remains

Press Releases · Sep 29, 2013

Washington -- Today, House leadership announced it would vote to add a one year delay of the individual mandate and language to block taxpayer subsidies for federal employees participating in the Obamacare exchanges to the Continuing Appropriations Resolution (H.J.Res.59). Heritage Action released the following statement:

"Congress should not spend another dime of taxpayer money on this unworkable, unaffordable law. Unfortunately, a delay of the individual mandate and correction of the congressional exemption would do little to stop Obamacare's massive new entitlements from taking root in just hours -- radically changing the nature of American health care. Much like the rest of Obamacare, the individual mandate and staffer exemption are bad policy, but the proposed changes would not keep the law from taking root. For that reason, Heritage Action opposes the amendment, but will not key vote against it. In the end, conservatives should stand strong against the intransigence of Harry Reid and Senate Democrats and insist on fully defunding the President's failed law."

Heritage Action Scorecard
Senate Plays Shutdown Politics, Votes to Protect Obamacare
Congress Must Defund Obamacare in its Entirety
Defunding Obamacare: Questions & Answers, Excuses and Responses
Coalition Letter: Defund Obamacare to Fund the Government
Key Vote: Co-Sponsorship of the Defund Obamacare Act of 2013 (House)
"YES" on Continuing Resolution that Defunds Obamacare (House)
"NO" on Cloture that Facilitates Striking Defund Language (Senate)
Heritage Action Statement on House's Obamacare Delay
USA Today: ObamaCare is fiscally irresponsible