Arkansas House Passes Conscience Protection Act, Protects Deeply Held Beliefs Against Discrimination

Press Releases · Apr 4, 2023

WASHINGTON — Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, including thousands of Arkansans, released a statement from Janae Stracke, Vice President of Field Operations, applauding the Arkansas House of Representatives for passing HB 1615, legislation which strengthens religious freedom and prevents discrimination based upon religious convictions and conscience.

“The Conscience Protection Act is a vital step for ensuring the free exercise of religion is not penalized in the Natural State. Not only does the bill strengthen the First Amendment rights of individuals to observe their deeply held beliefs, but it also includes protections against discrimination in state hiring, tax policy, and contracting practices.

Nothing is more sacred than our rights to hold and express our defining values. No one should fear that expressing or practicing their religious views might prevent them from enjoying equal treatment from the state. HB 1615 will protect the deeply held beliefs of Arkansans and the free exercise of their religious rights in the public sphere. Citizens across the Natural State are grateful to Representative Robin Lundstrum for leading on this issue in the Arkansas Legislature. Arkansans applaud this legislative leadership and look forward to the Senate passing this legislation and sending it to Governor Sanders’s desk.”