30 Hours until Heritage Action's Presidential Forum

Press Releases · Sep 16, 2015

Greenville, SC -- Last night the Republican candidates stood side-by-side on stage at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, CA. In just 30 hours, they will arrive at the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, South Carolina for Heritage Action's Take Back America candidate forum. The event, co-hosted by South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and former South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint, will be covered by every major news outlet in the country and feature the most in-depth and substantive policy discussion of the entire campaign.

"We couldn't be more excited to welcome the candidates to South Carolina and offer them the chance to talk face to face with the people of our state," said Governor Haley. "This forum will give candidates the opportunity to inspire and unify those in attendance -- and across our state -- around a serious and hopeful policy agenda."

"Last night voters saw glimmers of a policy debate," said Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham. "Friday's forum will give the candidates an opportunity to truly articulate their vision for America, and how they would make Washington work for hardworking Americans and not the well-connected special interests."

The list of confirmed candidates includes: Mr. Donald J. Trump; Dr. Ben Carson; Gov. Jeb Bush; Sen. Ted Cruz; Sen. Marco Rubio; Carly Fiorina; Gov. Scott Walker; Gov. Chris Christie; Dr. Rand Paul; Sen. Rick Santorum; and Gov. Bobby Jindal.
The max capacity event will begin at 4:00 on Friday, September 18 and run through the evening as each candidate will field multiple, policy-based questions. Those questions will cover a wide range of topics and come from a variety of sources including Gov. Nikki Haley, Heritage Action's Mike Needham and Heritage Action's top conservative activists, called Sentinels.