Blog Articles · Dec 29, 2012 · Budget and Spending

Waiting for Details on Fiscal Cliff

Last night, as Senate aides worked to strike a deal on the fiscal cliff, President Obama and his team were nowhere to found. Although...

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A seven second video is worth a thousand. Thank you for all of your hard work this year!

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Blog Articles · Dec 17, 2012

Tim Scott Knows His Heritage Action Score

Yesterday, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley announced that Congressman Tim Scott will replace Senator Jim DeMint, who is leaving at the end of the...

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Blog Articles · Dec 16, 2012 · Budget and Spending, Taxes

Top Ten Reasons to Oppose Senate's Sandy Spending

Senators should approach the Obama administration's $60.4 billion "emergency" funding request for Hurricane Sandy with caution. The Fiscal Year Disaster Assistance Supplemental (summary), as...

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Blog Articles · Dec 13, 2012 · Budget and Spending

Sandy Funding to American Samoa?

On Monday, the Senate will begin consideration of the Obama administration's $60.4 billion disaster assistance supplemental appropriations. The request, supposedly an emergency response to...

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Blog Articles · Dec 12, 2012 · Healthcare

Real Medicare Reform: At Least Someone Is Serious

This week, buried in the midst of fiscal cliff drama, our nation took an important step forward in the ongoing fight for real Medicare...

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