Blog Articles · Jan 16, 2013

A Number You Should Think About: 527

Remember all the way back to the 2000 Presidential race? Well, maybe you don't, but one thing continuously sticks in my mind: 527. That...

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Blog Articles · Jan 16, 2013 · Budget and Spending

A #Path2Balance or Another Failed Debt Ceiling Strategy

Last night, Heritage Action CEO Mike Needham explained the conservative approach to the debt ceiling debate and elaborated on the plan laid out with...

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Blog Articles · Jan 15, 2013 · Budget and Spending

President Obama Fails to Submit His Budget on Time... Again

During his time in office, President Obama has proven a good storyteller, but he has failed to use this same window of opportunity to...

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Blog Articles · Jan 15, 2013 · Taxes

EFEPA is About Freedom

Yesterday, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) unveiled his Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act (EFEPA) calling it "common sense" and not "particularly partisan." The EFEPA...

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Blog Articles · Jan 15, 2013 · Budget and Spending

Conservatives' Real Solution to the Debt-Limit Debate

While President Obama and his allies in Congress remain obstinate to real solutions, squarely rejecting concrete action, high caliber conservative organizations, including Heritage Action...

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Blog Articles · Jan 14, 2013 · Cronyism

Cronyism Chronicles: Lobbying the 113th Congress

"Everything's on the menu, which is why business is good. Those fiscal deals potentially impact everybody. There's almost no client who's not interested in...

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