Blog Articles · Mar 2, 2011 · Budget and Spending

Heritage Action: No More Short-Term CRs

Yesterday, the President signed a two-week funding measure into law. The measure would cut $4 billion in spending and gives the President and Senate...

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Blog Articles · Feb 28, 2011 · Budget and Spending, Regulation

Heritage Action Supports the Defending America's Affordable Energy and Jobs Act

Heritage Action for America strongly supports Senator John Barrasso's (R-WY) and Representative Tim Walberg's (R-MI) Defending America's Affordable Energy and Jobs Act (S.228 /...

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Blog Articles · Feb 23, 2011 · Budget and Spending

After Action Report: HR 1

Update: Conservatives all around the country are taking notice: Hot Air, Big Government, NRO, American Spectator and the OC Register. -- Last week, the...

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Blog Articles · Feb 21, 2011 · Budget and Spending

CR Wrap Up: Democrats only ones talking Government Shutdown

Last week the House concluded its work on the continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government for the remainder of the fiscal year. The...

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Blog Articles · Feb 15, 2011 · Budget and Spending

Cutting Another $20 Billion, and Fulfilling the Pledge

On Tuesday, the House began consideration of a 7-month continuing resolution, which would fund the government for the rest of fiscal year 2011. When...

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Blog Articles · Feb 9, 2011 · Budget and Spending

Update on the $100 Billion

Earlier, I noted that the Republican spending cut plan was thankfully moving in the right direction, but that it was not yet where it...

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