The latest news and analysis from Capitol Hill
President Obama and Congressional liberals refuse to reform entitlements. Now, our kids will be stuck paying for promises we made to ourselves. If they...
Spending Cuts and Reforms, Not Tax Increases, Will Spur Economy Washington, D.C. - Today, House Republicans unveiled a sweeping budget proposal. America's current path...
Since announcing our opposition to the three-week spending bill, along with FRC Action and the Club for Growth, our stance has driven media coverage...
Keith Hennessey critiqued opponents of the short-term CR making the case that our intransience is hurting the cause. It has been endlessly forwarded around...
As a quick update, here are the heroes with public statements against the short-term CR. Consider these the men and women who are leading...
Many conservative lawmakers on Capitol Hill are coming out against the proposed 3-week short term CR extension. The press -- ever infatuated with GOP...