The latest news and analysis from Capitol Hill
"We live in a competitive district. I need to compromise, so I can get things done. Some of these votes I take are to...
Yesterday, MSNBC devoted an entire 5 minute segment lamenting the effectiveness of Heritage Action's Legislative Scorecard, saying it causes a real problem for advancing...
When you read an article about the Export-Import Bank and all the jobs it's helping to create by "investing" in green energy technologies around...
Yesterday, the senators approved two resolutions that will prove to be a great detriment to equal representation in the Senate. S.Res. 15, a resolution...
According to a piece in the Washington Post today, our impact on Washington politics is big. In fact, the piece refers to us as...
Last week, Heritage Action, along with the Family Research Council and Club for Growth called for a path to balance. Balancing the budget within...