Blog Articles · Jun 26, 2011 · Budget and Spending, Taxes

Who Really Supports the NAT GAS Act (part 2)

The NAT GAS Act (H.R.1380) has caused quite a stir around Washington. As CQ (sub. req'd) writes, "Federal energy subsidies are under fire from...

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Blog Articles · Jun 22, 2011 · Budget and Spending

UPDATE: Who Really Supports the NAT GAS Act (part 1)

The NAT GAS Act (H.R.1380) lost another supporter yesterday, bringing the total number of defections to 14. With good conservatives pulling off the bill...

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Blog Articles · Jun 22, 2011 · Budget and Spending

Walking Away from Biden-led Negotiations was Right Call

Earlier today, the Biden-led debt ceiling talks collapsed, as House Republican Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R-AZ) pulled out...

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Innovative Facebook Application Supports Courageous Conservatives Washington, D.C. - Today, Heritage Action launched the second element of its $300,000 Magnificent 11 campaign. After covering...

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Blog Articles · Jun 20, 2011 · Regulation

Do Not Lard Up the FTAs

The benefits of the free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea are clear, and Congress must resist the temptation to lard up...

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Blog Articles · Jun 16, 2011 · Budget and Spending, Regulation

UPDATE: More Pull Off NAT GAS Act

This week, nine more Congressmen pulled off the NAT GAS Act (H.R.1380). Kudos to: Larry Bucshon (R-IN) Mike Coffman (R-CO) Scott Tipton (R-CO) Cory...

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