Blog Articles · Jul 12, 2024 · Social Issues

What Americans Should Know About GENDER IDEOLOGY

The radical gender ideology push has escalated since President Biden took office. His administration has instituted policies that cut parents out of the conversation...

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Blog Articles · Jul 12, 2024 · Defense and National Security

What Americans Should Know About CRIME

Crime has skyrocketed since President Biden took office. This is a direct result of bad policy that legalizes deadly drugs, defunds the police, ends...

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Blog Articles · Jul 12, 2024 · Immigration

What Americans Should Know About IMMIGRATION

Biden’s open border policies have brought increased costs and crime to Americans’ daily lives and created a large-scale humanitarian crisis like this country has...

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Blog Articles · Jul 12, 2024 · Budget and Spending

What Americans Should Know About INFLATION

Biden’s runaway spending has directly resulted in soaring prices for Americans–from housing to groceries–that make day-to-day life unaffordable and the American dream unattainable. GOVERNMENT...

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Blog Articles · Apr 24, 2024 · Budget and Spending, ESG

SB 5 Would Protect Louisianans' Financial Security, Despite Misleading Actuarial Note

Louisiana Senate Bill 5 (SB 5) would ensure that Louisiana pension funds are managed based solely on maximizing financial returns for state retirees. Obviously...

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The promotion of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) fosters oppressor-versus-oppressed narratives—leading to the labeling and unconstitutional segregation of individuals based on immutable characteristics such...

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