The latest news and analysis from Capitol Hill
Next week, the House may vote reauthorize and expand the federal Export-Import Bank. The ExIm Bank provides taxpayer-subsidized loans to American exporters. The Heritage...
Today, National Journal released its official 2011 Vote Ratings. In Washington, this is an annual rite of passage. Lawmakers will tout their top conservative...
Thanks to the efforts of good conservatives, we sent a message to Washington that the highway bills (H.R.7 and S.1813) are unacceptable, but the...
Congressman Lou Barletta (R-PA) has pulled his name from the co-sponsorship list of the NAT GAS Act (H.R.1380). We've been fighting this bill for...
The final segment of our Member of the Week series continues with an issue profile as discussed by the Congressman. Yesterday, we presented Rep...
In the waning days of 2010, the Senate ratified President Obama's New START Treaty. Many Republicans Senators supported the treaty based on a promise...