The latest news and analysis from Capitol Hill
Proponents of the WRDA legislation have made much about the legislation being "earmark free." Now while the bill seems to comport with the current...
In an attempt to appeal to a broader swath of Americans -- especially conservatives -- proponents of reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank are invoking Ronald...
Our nation's energy policy has not undergone substantial, congressional-driven change since 2007. And yes, that was the year Washington decided to ban the incandescent...
The fight to end the cronyism and corporate welfare for wealthy, multinational corporations perpetuated by the Export-Import Bank continues to heat up every day...
Washington lawmakers are pushing for a House vote on legislation (H.R. 435 and H.R.2377) that would grant amnesty to those living in the United...
How do you convince skeptical congressional Republicans and their even more skeptical conservative constituents to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank in the fall? The Ex-Im...