The latest news and analysis from Capitol Hill
Washington lawmakers are pushing for a House vote on legislation (H.R. 435 and H.R.2377) that would grant amnesty to those living in the United...
How do you convince skeptical congressional Republicans and their even more skeptical conservative constituents to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank in the fall? The Ex-Im...
In my Fox News column this week, I argue that conservatives in Washington need to embrace an anti-cronyism and anti-corporate welfare agenda: The lessons...
Every single Senate Democrat has some explaining to do on Russia: Now, the very people who pushed New START during the reset are now...
A great letter to the editor today in the Chattanooga Times Free Press. Mike Budnick from Winchester, Tennessee called the end of the Export-Import...
Background. In response to the surge of activist protest in the wake of the Senate-passed "Gang of 8" amnesty package, many members of Congress...