Blog Articles · May 19, 2011 · Cronyism, Healthcare

More Cronyism With Obamacare Waivers

President Obama's administration claims that there is no cronyism involved in granting waivers from provisions in the Obamacare law, but when AARP becomes

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Blog Articles · May 19, 2011 · Budget and Spending, Welfare

Ryan Budget Does NOT Hurt Seniors

UPDATE:The liberal assault on conservative reform continues. FACT FICTION President Obama and his big-government allies would rather mislead the American people and make a...

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Blog Articles · May 10, 2011 · Budget and Spending, Regulation

Stop the Natural Gas Streaker!

There are a lot of bad policy ideas dreamed up on a daily basis on Capitol Hill, and many get turned into bills by...

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Blog Articles · May 8, 2011 · Healthcare

57% of Americans Support Repeal of Obamacare

A new survey by Rasmussen shows that Americans remain overwhelmingly in favor of repealing the President's takeover of healthcare, which became law last year...

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Blog Articles · Apr 27, 2011 · Welfare

Video: How will our kids pay?

President Obama and Congressional liberals refuse to reform entitlements. Now, our kids will be stuck paying for promises we made to ourselves. If they...

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Blog Articles · Apr 4, 2011 · Budget and Spending

GOP Unveils Bold Budget Proposal

Spending Cuts and Reforms, Not Tax Increases, Will Spur Economy Washington, D.C. - Today, House Republicans unveiled a sweeping budget proposal. America's current path...

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