Blog Articles · Jan 14, 2013 · Budget and Spending

Sandy Supplemental Update: Make Way for the Pork

Last night, House Rules Committee approved the rule for the passage of the Sandy spending package, and unfortunately the committee, which is controlled by...

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Blog Articles · Jan 14, 2013 · Budget and Spending

Email Your Representative to Oppose the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Spending

Yesterday, we formally announced that the vote on H.R. 152 would appear on our Legislative Scorecard. Most of the spending in this bill would...

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This morning during his press conference, President Obama engaged in fear mongering about what will happen if he doesn't get his way on the...

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Blog Articles · Jan 13, 2013 · Budget and Spending

Stretching Sandy to the Limits

This week, the House will consider the remainder of the Hurricane Sandy relief legislation. This evening, the Rules Committee, which is essentially controlled by...

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Blog Articles · Jan 12, 2013 · Budget and Spending

Cloakroom: It Begins Again...

House Cloakroom: January 14 - January 18 Analysis: The 113th Congress begins its first full week in session on Monday as the House of...

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The Washington Post reports that four Senate Democrats, Senators Harry Reid (D-NV), Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Patty Murray (D-WA), have written...

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