Blog Articles · Jul 24, 2010

Obamacare Repeal Press Releases

Press releases from Heritage Action on the Obamacare repeal discharge petition. (Links are to PDF documents.) Alabama Artur DavisAlabama Bobby BrightAlaska Don YoungArkansas Marion...

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Blog Articles · Jul 22, 2010

Press Release: A Time for Repealing

153 Republicans Embrace Obamacare Repeal Effort Washington, D.C. - "We're not going back," Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared yesterday when asked about the government's hostile...

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Leaders from over 75 grassroots coalition groups, representing millions of Americans, signed an open letter to Members of Congress urging them to sign Discharge...

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Blog Articles · Jul 6, 2010

Issue Brief: Stop New START Now

Background: Earlier this year, President Obama signed and then submitted the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) to the U.S. Senate for ratification...

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The president's New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New-START) with Russia could be his worst foreign policy mistake yet. The treaty as submitted to the...

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Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King's discharge petition, aimed at repealing Obamacare, is gaining momentum in the House as more representatives sign on. Today Rep...

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