Blog Articles · Feb 22, 2013 · Budget and Spending

Sequestering Yosemite's Sequoias

Amazing! Just days before the so-called sequester takes hold, the Associate Press (AP) happened to obtain a memo from the National Park Service (NPS)...

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Blog Articles · Feb 19, 2013

Deciphering Politician Spin: PVI

"We live in a competitive district. I need to compromise, so I can get things done. Some of these votes I take are to...

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Yesterday, MSNBC devoted an entire 5 minute segment lamenting the effectiveness of Heritage Action's Legislative Scorecard, saying it causes a real problem for advancing...

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When you read an article about the Export-Import Bank and all the jobs it's helping to create by "investing" in green energy technologies around...

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Blog Articles · Jan 24, 2013 · Cronyism

Senate Rules Changed for the Worse

Yesterday, the senators approved two resolutions that will prove to be a great detriment to equal representation in the Senate. S.Res. 15, a resolution...

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According to a piece in the Washington Post today, our impact on Washington politics is big. In fact, the piece refers to us as...

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