Heritage Action has put up SEVEN pro-police billboards in New York City, Atlanta, and Dallas—cities where the “defund the police” movement is taking hold.
Executive Director Jessica Anderson joined Fox & Friends on Monday morning to announce the launch. These billboards are grabbing media attention and helping us rally support for police. Millions will see these billboards and their impact in the coming weeks.
We chose New York City, Atlanta, and Dallas because their police are under attack and need our support. On the outside, rioters and looters strain their resources. And on the inside, liberal politicians embrace “defund the police” and slash police budgets.
But local citizens know that “No Police = No Peace.” 79% of Americans oppose the “defund the police” movement and we’re rallying this majority into action with our billboards!
Two ways to support this effort:
1. Text “Police” to 51776 and sign the pledge in support of police everywhere!
2. Find one of our billboards, snap a photo, and share it on social media with the hashtag #StandWithPolice.
We’re reaching millions. And with your help, we can amplify this message and reach millions more!
Billboard Locations
New York City
Times Square #1

Times Square #2

Downtown - Marietta St

Buckhead - Peachtree Rd

Downtown - Main St

Downtown - off I-45

Victory Park - Cedar Springs Rd