The latest news and analysis from Capitol Hill
"[Trade Adjustment Assistance] is our commitment to workers competing in a globalized economy, and we must immediately extend the improvements that we made in...
Today, as part of the Ryan-Murray budget deal, the House will be voting on the "Pathway to SGR Reform Act of 2013," which extends...
Increases spending in the short term The deal increases spending in the next two years by $63 billion above current law. Current law allows...
One of the questions that has arisen since Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) - with the help of all but three of his party's senators...
House and Senate budget negotiators are nearing an agreement on a budget deal, but it may prove to be one that is not agreeable...
The United States Export-Import (ExIm) Bank is at it again. Bloomberg reports the Bank "gave preliminary approval for $694 million in financing for billionaire...