Blog Articles · Jan 15, 2014 · Agriculture , Budget and Spending

PILT and the Farm Bill: Why Americans No Longer Trust Their Elected Officials

Christmas may have been last month, but the House of Representatives just jammed through a $1.111 trillion appropriations bill and it looks as if...

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Conservatives and liberals agree that it is good to help those most in need to put food on their table. There is disagreement, however...

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"[Trade Adjustment Assistance] is our commitment to workers competing in a globalized economy, and we must immediately extend the improvements that we made in...

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Blog Articles · Dec 11, 2013 · Budget and Spending

Doc Fix: Another Massive Budget Gimmick

Today, as part of the Ryan-Murray budget deal, the House will be voting on the "Pathway to SGR Reform Act of 2013," which extends...

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Blog Articles · Dec 11, 2013 · Budget and Spending

Top Policy Reasons to Oppose Ryan-Murray

Increases spending in the short term The deal increases spending in the next two years by $63 billion above current law. Current law allows...

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Blog Articles · Dec 9, 2013

5 Steps to Standing Up to a Bully

One of the questions that has arisen since Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) - with the help of all but three of his party's senators...

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