Grassroots Coalition Leaders Unite to Repeal Obamacare

Blog Articles · Jul 13, 2010

Leaders from over 75 grassroots coalition groups, representing millions of Americans, signed an open letter to Members of Congress urging them to sign Discharge Petition #11. The petition, which currently has 170 signatures, is part of a comprehensive repeal effort launched by Heritage Action for America and is the only way to force a vote on repealing Obamacare this year.

Coalition Letter In Support of King Discharge Petition to Repeal ObamaCare

Dear Congressman:

On behalf of the millions of members that we, the undersigned, organizations represent we request that you sign Discharge Petition #11 to allow a vote on the House floor on the repeal of ObamaCare. The American people rejected ObamaCare while it was being debated before Congress and have continued to reject it after it became law. It limits choice, increases the deficit, raises health care costs, expands government bureaucracy, discriminates against low-income workers, mandates insurance coverage and stunts economic growth.

Because this law fails to live up to the principles of true health care reform we, the undersigned, think this legislation has to be repealed immediately. However, with a repeal bill unlikely to come to the House floor this year we urge you to sign on to the next best thing, discharge petition #11. As you know if this discharge petition is signed by 218 of your colleagues then Speaker Pelosi would be forced to bring H.R. 4972 to the House floor for an up or down vote on repealing ObamaCare.

Since Speaker Pelosi exercises near total control over which bills are voted upon in the House of Representatives a discharge petition allows an oppressed political majority to bypass the Speaker's clenched fist. It also provides concerned citizens and grassroots groups a single legislative target on which to focus their attention.

Americans are growing increasingly concerned as the consequences of ObamaCare become reality and they want a clear indicator their leaders believe in repeal. Signing the discharge petition offers them that commitment. We urge you to join this effort for repeal.


Mike Needham, President, Heritage Action for America

Grover G. Norquist, President, Americans for Tax Reform

Jim Martin, Chairman, 60 Plus Association

Susan Carleson, Chairman/CEO, American Civil Rights Union

William H. Shaker, President, American Council for Health Care Reform

Donald E. Wildmon, Founder, American Family Association

Mark Fitzgibbons, President of Corporate/Legal Affairs, American Target Advertising, Inc.

Gary Bauer, President, American Values

Bill Wilson, President, Americans for Limited Government

Tim Phillips, President, Americans for Prosperity

Elaine Donnelly, President, Center for Military Readiness

Star Parker, President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Jim Backlin, Vice President for Legislative Affairs, Christian Coalition

Tom Minnery, Senior Vice President of Government and Public Policy, CitizenLink

Chris Chocola, President, Club for Growth

Gary Aldrich, Chairman, CNP Action Inc.

Kay Daly, President/Executive Director, Coalition for a Fair Judiciary

Curt Levey, Executive Director, Committee for Justice

Fred L. Smith, Jr., President, Competitive Enterprise Institute

Penny Nance, CEO, Concerned Women for America

Richard A. Viguerie, Chairman,

Brent Bozell, President, Conservative Victory Committee

Ron Pearson, President, Council for America

Tom Schatz, President, Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW)

Phyllis Schlafly, President & Founder, Eagle Forum

Virginia Armstrong, Ph.D., National Chairman,Eagle Forum's Court Watch

Aloysius Hogan, Government Relations Director, English First

Ralph Reed, Founder and Chairman, Faith & Freedom Coalition

Tom McClusky, Sr. Vice President, Family Research Council Action

Billie Tucker, Co-founder, First Coast Tea Party

Myron Ebell, President, Freedom Action

Matt Kibbe, President, FreedomWorks

Larry Pratt, Executive Director, Gun Owners of America

Heather R. Higgins, President and CEO, Independent Women's Voice

Phillip Jauregui, President, Judicial Action Group

Colin Hanna, President, Let Freedom Ring

Mandi Campbell, Legal Director, Liberty Center for Law and Policy

Virginia "Ginni" Thomas, President and CEO, Liberty Central

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman, Liberty Counsel

Tom Glessner, President, National Institute of Family and Life Advocates

Darla St. Martin, Co-Director, National Right to Life

Lew Uhler, President, National Tax Limitation Committee

Duane Parde, President, National Taxpayers Union

William J. Murray, Chairman, Religious Freedom Coalition

Stephen Stone, President, Renew America

Noah Silverman, Congressional Affairs Director, Republican Jewish Coalition

Lisa Miller, Founder, Tea Party WDC

C. Preston Noell III, President, Tradition, Family, Property, Inc

Andrea Lafferty, Executive Director, Traditional Values Coalition

Kevin L. Kearns, President, US Business and Industry Council

Mike Valerio, Valerio Foundation

Jordan Marks, Executive Director, Young Americans for Freedom

Eunie Smith, President, Alabama Eagle Forum

Jayne and Jim Schindler, Directors, Colorado Eagle Forum

Linda Schauer, State Director, Concerned Women for America of South Dakota

Phyllis Nemeth, State Director, CWA of California

Patricia J. Thompson, Director, CWA of Central California

Penny Morrell, Area Director, CWA of Maine

Bev Ehlen, State Director, CWA of Missouri

Andrew Dunn, State President, Eagle Forum North Carolina

Dottie Feder, President, Joan Tatarsky, Vice President, Eagle Forum of Wisconsin

Gayle Gardner, President, Hawaii Eagle Forum

Richard W. C. Falknor, Chairman, Maryland Center-Right Coalition

Dee Hodges, Chairman, Maryland Taxpayers Association

Eddie Myrtle Moore, President, Mississippi Eagle Forum

Joan Langenberg, President, Missouri Eagle Forum

Janine Hansen, State President, Nevada Eagle Forum

Carolee Adams, President, New Jersey Eagle Forum

Larry Cirignano, President, NJ Faith and Freedom

Bunny Chambers, President, Oklahoma Eagle Forum

Frances Bevan, Director, SW Pennsylvania Eagle Forum

Yvonne M. Alford, President, Tampa Bay Eagle Forum

Gayle Ruzicka, President, Utah Eagle Forum

Linda Chagnon, President, Vermont Eagle Forum

Helen Blackwell, Chairman, Virginia Eagle Forum

Cindy Honcoop, State Director, Washington Eagle Forum

Janice Shaw Crouse, Ph.D., Senior Fellow, The Beverly LaHaye Institute

Mario H. Lopez, President, Hispanic Leadership Fund

Rick Tyler, President, ReAL Action

Updated: August 23, 2010