The latest news and analysis from Capitol Hill
Setting the 2017 Policy Agenda No more favors for the few. Opportunity for all-that is our motto.—Speaker Paul D. Ryan Americans are hungry for...
To: From: Date: Subject: Interested Parties Heritage Action January 15, 2016 Fight Obama's Overreach by Refusing to Confirm Nominees President Obama began his final...
January 5, 2016 Dear Republican Presidential Candidates, On Wednesday, the House will vote to send a bill to President Obama's desk that would repeal...
In the wake of the November 13 attacks on Paris, there is heightened concern that terrorists connected with ISIS will use the mass movement...
Abortion giant Planned Parenthood has been a recipient of federal dollars under Title X of the Public Health Service Act and via Medicaid reimbursements...
First off, why is it important that we use reconciliation to repeal Obamacare this Congress? Reconciliation is a powerful tool to get legislation through...